Akashic Wisdom from my Masters, Teachers, & Loved ones....
Today we wish to speak to you about morality and it's evolution at this time. Know that it is true that each living & breathing person stumbles, morally speaking and we wish to address this on a deeper level.
The thinking of "morality'' as you know and understand it is confused, for it is still attached in your mind to the religious thinking of God and Church. This is a misunderstanding as it represents only one facet of morality... the face that looks to the outside world and seeks judgement. This brand of morality is steeped in tradition and has helped maintain order and the rule of law for thousands of years, and yet, it is inherently flawed. It requires failure, it requires one to stumble, to do wrong... it requires judgement. All of this is a control mechanism to keep people small.
Now you may be thinking that the world needs morality, and you'd be right. However, there is a shift occurring that has left many morally lost. There is nothing currently to cling to. The external moral guard has lost dominion over the hearts and minds of man. The notions and expression of morality are being internalized, moving inward. Whereby people used to look to societal norms of decency and ethics of models of "right action", they can no longer rely on this method... there is no longer an example to uphold, no virtue to be extolled... no checks and balances for compliance.
There is a reason for this. The collective consciousness has grown, the need for control is no longer as necessary as it once was. We have more personal autonomy and judgement is no longer the best control mechanism for future growth. And growth, is always the goal.
And so, we find ourselves in interesting times. Everything about morality is in flux. HUmanity now has the choice to redefine morality, to reorient if you will. This reorientation will be an internal one. You are now your own God of understanding. What thss means is that each soul already has a well developed moral compass, a moral code ( some more developed than others). Each person is being asked to look within and to their part to bring forth a new brand of righteousness. This is a prime opportunity to abandon the notion of brokenness to focus on learning and growth. Each person will help give birth to this new morality. Each person will carry forward lifetimes of knowledge and understanding to contribute to the new ways. This is why when people come to the askasha, there is no judgement passed. There is no fixing to be done, for every being will contribute something of value.
THe new system is born of compassion and grace. It is born of divine love and rejects the notion of sin, rejects the hierarchy inherent in judging actions as good or bad.
Now you must also understand that this new way will take many lifetimes to fully evolve and you are witnessing the turning point. Perhaps, if humanity moves quickly enough, you may witness the beginning. As the tide turns on this, dark moral times, ludicrous choices & inhumane actions may prevail. This is normal as the masses have lost their anchor. They have nowhere to look for role models. Over time, they will come to learn to look within, to rise up and communicate their soul's knowledge. Yet before this occurs you may witness what can only be described as a void, and in the void, some will make poor decisions, some will cling to old systems and yet others will scream hellfire and damnation.
Looking within, you'll find your truth
The art of healing and of the healer then, is to help people in the void. Do not allow for more false idols, teach people to look within themselves. Teach them to listen to what the soul knows. Within them, at the soul level, most beings will feel a deep connection to this internal knowledge. It will ring true. The second step is coming to trust it enough so that it may inspire right action. Ask:
What does your truth look like in action?
What will I see when your truth moves freely upon the earth?
From knowing to action is a leap of the ages... we must take flight!
For society, new themes will emerge and old themes will be lost. An example of this may be the need to mary before god. Is this necessary? Or may love blossom outside the garden of Eden? Oh the questions to explore!
© Amy Butler